Press Release on the Taliban’s Morality Law

Rawadari expresses profound concern regarding the consequences of the Taliban’s new morality law on the fundamental rights and freedoms of Afghans, particularly Afghan women and girls. This law, grounded in an extreme and biased interpretation of Islamic Sharia, will expand a culture of tyranny, suppress freedoms and violate human dignity. Such interpretations stand in stark […]

The Afghanistan Mid-Year Human Rights Situation Report January-June 30 2024

Introduction While the number of explosions and suicide attacks in Afghanistan decreased in the first six months of 2024 (January-30 June 2024), resulting in fewer violations of the right to life, there has been a disturbing rise in forced disappearances, torture resulting in death, arbitrary detention, and the implementation of cruel and inhumane punishments. The […]

Avenues for Justice for Afghan Victims of Human Rights Violations

Introduction Decades of war and conflict have resulted in countless victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity and potentially genocide in Afghanistan. Most have never known justice. Without justice – accountability, redress and reconciliation – individual suffering continues and the nation’s cycle of war and violence will not end. Therefore, even as impunity and grave […]

Rawadari Hightlights in 2023

Despite various challenges including the complex security situation in Afghanistan, shrinking civic space and restrictions on access to information, we have been able to consistently and continuously document human rights violations.


This joint report was prepared in consultation/coordination with the following organizations or individuals, drawing on their primary areas of engagement and concern.